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Meerkat Camp
Basic Information


In African plains, savannas, and grasslands


Plants and small animals

Average Height

10 to 14 inches

Average Weight

1.6 pounds

Max Age

6 to 10 years in the wild & 15 years in captivity 

Animal Sound

Did you know
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Standing Tall

Meerkats stand on their hind legs to look out for danger. A meerkat on sentry duty will warn the others if it spots a predator.

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Meerkats love to play! Playtime helps young meerkats learn important skills like hunting and defending their territory.

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Immune to Venom

Meerkats eat a variety of foods, including insects and lizards. They are immune to certain types of venom, which allows them to eat scorpions and snakes!

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In a meerkat mob, everyone looks out for one another. They groom each other, share food, and even take turns babysitting the young meerkats.

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Eye Patches

The dark patches around a meerkat’s eyes help reduce the sun's glare, allowing them to see better when keeping watch during the day.

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Clean Animals

Meerkats spend a lot of time grooming themselves and each other. This helps keep their fur clean and free from parasites.

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