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Gorilla Camp
Basic Information


African tropical forests


Plants and fruit

Average Height

5 Feet 5 Inches

Average Weight

150 to 500 pounds

Max Age

35 to 40 years in the wild & 50 years in captivity

Animal Sound

Did you know
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Largest Primates

Gorillas are the largest primate! 

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Knuckle Walking

Gorillas typically move on all fours using a method called knuckle-walking, where they support their weight on their knuckles.


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Gorillas live in groups called troops or bands, led by a dominant male known as a silverback. 

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Endangered Species

Gorillas are endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, and disease. Conservation efforts are critical to their survival.

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Gentle Giants

Despite their size and strength, gorillas are generally gentle and shy. They only become aggressive when threatened.

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Intelligent Creatures

Gorillas are highly intelligent and can use tools, learn sign language, and exhibit complex emotions and social behaviors.

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