Spelling Safari improves student outcomes while saving the average teacher 100+ hours a year.
Intuitively designed with teachers and is easy to navigate
Gives and instantly grades spelling tests
Maximizes student learning by meeting students where they are and focusing on what they need to learn.
Boosts a foundational skill for reading and writing development
Allows you to run synchronous or asynchronous assessments whenever it fits your ever-changing elementary schedule
Can individually adjust the number of words students are learning.
Simple class setup typically in under 10 minutes
Choose the number of words your class will learn.
Most comprehensive word list available
Teachers will save more than 100 hours per year in and out of the classroom. Spelling Safari will simplify your work life by: Reducing or eliminating prep, Automated Test delivery - Don't have to ever give a spelling test again, Grading done for you!
Our adaptive process allows students to work at their own pace, maximizing their learning.
Provides personalized word lists to study
More than doubles student exposure to words, expanding their word knowledge
Immediate feedback throughout the process - one of the most effective learning practices
More than triples their new words learned because they will be focused on words that are most relevant to them instead of one list for everyone in the class
Embedded mastery ensures deep learning
Fun & gamified learning environment
Simple to use for learners of any age
Increased exposure to high-quality sentences at their challenge level
Will spell most words at their level correctly, boosting confidence
Overall progress displayed on student home page
Students hear the correct pronunciation of words
Students will more than double their exposure to words. They will more than triple their new words learned. Once placed at their ability level, students will spell more than 50% of words correctly. Students piloting our system in early 2024 averaged one fourth of a grade level of growth in just 6 weeks. (more stats)